Thursday, 27 March 2008

Just being appreciative

In life, there are always things that we fuss about. The bitchy sales girl, the long Q at the bar, the number of hours we had to stay in the office and many other things. Just so that it will make our life seems so unperfect and just so to victimised ourselves. Some of us complained about the government while other kick huge fuss about their families. To which, some affect us, some don't even have any means of making us feel hurt.

Just for today, I will be appreciative. To be thankful about the life that I am having.

First up is to thank my family ; for them to make the big decision for allowing their precious girl to stay away from home and to give me the independence that I had always craved for and wanted. To being able to trust me and to allow me to venture out without having to tie me down in the family business.

I wanna thank my dear for being such a sweet guy for me. They say " Love is when u walked through the whole corn field and you cant find a single corn to bring home to because you are always looking for a nicer and brighter one. Marriage is when u walk through the whole corn field, and pick the one that you deemed is nice and bring it home because you think that is good enough for you" Well, I walked through the corn field and I realised that I had picked the best corn and I am not looking for another one as this is the best guy I had ever wanted. I bitched about his mistakes and wrong doings. I bitch about how he made me upset. Yet, this very same man makes me wanna spend the rest of my life with. awwwwwwwww this is soo damn mushy

I wanna thank DT for coming into my life. Dt you are the best! the Man!!!! the Love!!! I love DT... DT DT Dt.... the joy of coming back home with you greeting me never fail to amuse me and keep my sprit up. Even after uneventful day, the sight of you makes my heart flutter with delight. Like the sun shines up again. Like the rainbow falls upon on me. Thats Love , some people call it. Yes, thanks for being in my life and being the moonlight that walked me through every single moment. From having no daddy to having a daddy to be with you, you had been with me throughout. Even for bathing trips and toilet breaks.

I wanna thank my friends for just being my friends. I dont think I can name everyone of you. Not that I cant remember you names , but there are just too many. All of you, played so important parts in my life. For withstanding that I did not hang out with you all just as much and still being with me, I am really thankful for that. thanks thanks thanks and i can never thank enough.

I wanna thank my current job. the chance to work in this bright and chirpy place where everyday at work is such a fun thing to do. there are deadlines, mistakes and yet, all are being dealt with without blaming and finger pointing. Thanks to my boss for being my friend and my boss... you and your coffee rocks! haha

I wanna thank myself for i feel that i am having this perfect life right now. the future seems bright to me now and the past dimmed of the dead. gone are the days of tears and fright, now coming towards me are bright days with joy and hope. starting each day with a brand new mood of motivation. i so love my life now. even at this moment of sipping tea, having my chocolate soffle , DT by my chair and dear playing is PS3. All are being appreciated. For just being peaceful , blissful is to be thankful about.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

long time no see!

it has been a long while since my last update.. ok i had not been feeling emo for a long long time already.. but just got too lazy for updates

New car
Dear got his new car already... ok for awhile already... so no more worries for break downs, no air con and the monthly worry of spoiled parts... all car rides are smoooth with really cold air con. lolz.
DT is still trying to get used to the car so he got all jumpy and noti at rides. well, at least there are no more worries of the break downs.

yup, works got crazier than ever. more responsibilities, more work to do. with the need to be involved in big projects of the coy, recruitment and more overseas accounts, time spent in office got longer and longer. not as per the last time, i dont drag going to work.. kinda enjoy the environment, and enjoying the work there. the peeps are really great with encouraging bosses. cross my fingers and hope this will continue

Been hogging the TV everynite i came back. hahaha... got hooked on the tvb show, the ultimate crime fighter. lolz.. hey! its 37 eps ok!

DT goes Grooming
Aiyo.. DT now look so handsome! all thanks to IRIS!!! so gal, dont move out of yishun ok? lol
Check out the before and after!

Genting trip

we will be travelling to genting from thurs nite and to come back on sun afternoon... 1st overseas trip for the 2 of us! although near, the both of us are really excited about it.. to enjoy rotting away and to just enjoy being together. haha sounds crazy cos we are always together everynite.. but the fun of being out of spore is there! the bad part is having to leave dt with my parents. dear and myself got manja with dt... hahaha we just cant bear to leave him. wonder who is the one suffering from SA. lolz.

more updates for our HDB application at yishun. our 1st appointment date will be 11 Apr at 10.15am. Just got the HLE done again cos we did not follow up on the previous application. cross fingers for us ya!

Saturday, 8 March 2008


yes.. i am feeling emo...